


場所 ロシアサンクトペテルブルクサンクトペテルブルク地下鉄2号線センナヤ広場駅工科大学駅の間
座標 北緯59度54分59秒 東経30度19分07秒 / 北緯59.91639度 東経30.31861度 / 59.91639; 30.31861
日付 2017年4月3日 (2017-04-03)
14:40[1][2] (東ヨーロッパ夏時間 (UTC +3))
標的 一般国民
攻撃手段 自爆テロ[3]
武器 釘爆弾
死亡者 15人(内1人は実行犯)
負傷者 64人[4]
犯人 アクバルジョン・ジャリロフ



以前からチェチェン分離主義者による複数のテロがロシア国内で発生していたが、地下鉄を狙ったテロは2010年の地下鉄爆破テロを最後に、7年間に渡って起こっていなかった[5]。2016年2月、ISILはロシアのシリア軍事介入を理由に、サンクトペテルブルクとモスクワをターゲットとした攻撃を企んでいたが、治安当局により察知され、ISILの武装勢力7人が逮捕されていた[6]。その中には、ロシア人や中央アジア人、トルコ出身の首謀者が含まれていた[6]。ISILのプロパガンダがこの事件の前から出回っており、支持者がモスクワでストライキを始めるように奨励されていた[7]。そのプロパガンダの中には、プーチン大統領の頭部に弾丸の穴が描かれたポスターもあり[7]、「我々はロシアを焼きつくす (We Will Burn Russia)」というメッセージを含んでいた[7]。プーチン大統領は、事件当日、生まれ故郷であるサンクトペテルブルクを訪れていた[7]










国籍 死者数
  ロシア[21][22][23] 13
  カザフスタン[24][25][23] 1
  アゼルバイジャン[26][23] 1
合計 15




ロシアとキルギスの諜報機関は、このテロを首謀した被疑者として、22歳のキルギス系ロシア人のアクバルジョン・ジャリロフ (Акбаржон Джалилов) を特定した[31][32][33]。ジャリロフは1995年にキルギスのオシに生まれ、2011年頃、モスクワにやってきた[32]。ロシア紙のモスコフスキー・コムソモーレツによれば、Gazeta.ruが、ジャリロフは2015年に寿司屋で調理人として働いていたと報じているという[20][34]。一方で、他の情報源によれば、テロの数週間前に失踪するまで自動車修理工場で働いていたとしている[20]
















  1. ^ 'Мы начали ехать, я увидел взорванный вагон': что писали очевидцы о взрыве в Петербурге” ['We started moving, I saw a blown up train car': what did eyewitnesses write about an explosion in Petersburg] (ロシア語). TASS. ТАСС информационное агентство (3 April 2017). 3 April 2017閲覧。
  2. ^ Взрыв в метро Петербурга официально признан терактом” [Explosion in the Petersburg's metro officially recognised as a terrorist attack.] (ロシア語). Экономика сегодня. ФБА «Экономика сегодня» (3 April 2017). 3 April 2017閲覧。
  3. ^ Denis Pinchuk. “Eleven killed in suspected suicide bombing on Russian metro train”. Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-blast-metro-idUSKBN17519G 4 April 2017閲覧。 
  4. ^ Russia Bomber Is Identified, Officials Say, as Death Toll Rises”. New York Times. New York Times Company (4 April 2017). 4 April 2017閲覧。 “In addition to killing 14, the blast on Monday wounded 64 others, Aleksandr Rzhanenkov, a St. Petersburg official, said at a news briefing.”
  5. ^ Ioffe, Julia (April 4, 2017). “How Russians Got Used to Terrorism”. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/04/russia-st-petersburg-terrorism/521796/ April 4, 2017閲覧。 
  6. ^ a b Bergen, Peter (April 4, 2017). “The likely culprits behind the St. Petersburg bombing”. CNN. https://edition.cnn.com/2017/04/03/opinions/russia-terror-attack-opinion-bergen-sterman/ April 4, 2017閲覧。 
  7. ^ a b c d Griffin, Andrew (April 4, 2017). “St Petersburg attacks: Isis celebrates explosions that killed 10 people”. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/st-petersburg-attacks-isis-russia-bombings-celebrate-islamic-state-response-a7664656.html April 4, 2017閲覧。 
  8. ^ a b c St Petersburg metro explosions kill ten - media”. BBC (3 April 2017). 3 April 2017閲覧。
  9. ^ “В Санкт-Петербурге произошел взрыв в метро. Онлайн-трансляция [In St. Petersburg, there was an explosion in the Metro]” (Russian). RBC. http://www.rbc.ru/textonlines/03/04/2017/58e238789a7947f42e875f91 3 April 2017閲覧。 
  10. ^ Jansen, Bart (3 April 2017). “Russian subway bombing reveals terror vulnerability”. USA Today. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2017/04/03/subway-security-st-petersburg-new-york-london-paris-brussels/99988934/ 3 April 2017閲覧。 
  11. ^ a b c Explosion in St. Petersburg Metro, fatalities confirmed (GRAPHIC IMAGES)”. Russia: RT (3 April 2017). 3 April 2017閲覧。
  12. ^ a b c d e “Взрыв в метро Санкт-Петербурга: погибли 10 человек [Explosion in Metro St. Petersburg, killing 10 people]” (Russian). BBC Russia. (3 April 2017). http://www.bbc.com/russian/live/news-39478165 3 April 2017閲覧。 
  13. ^ http://www.news.com.au/world/europe/st-petersburg-reportedly-rocked-by-explosion-on-train-causing-injuries/news-story/90db1a31cf16a2d0e79c14d3e301ac6c
  14. ^ St Petersburg metro explosion suspect 'from Central Asia'”. BBC News (3 April 2017). 3 April 2017閲覧。
  15. ^ “Названо имя предполагаемого террориста-смертника в Санкт-Петербурге [Alleged suicide bomber in St. Petersburg identified]” (Russian). Moskovskij Komsomolets. (4 April 2017). http://www.mk.ru/incident/2017/04/04/predpolagaemyy-terroristsmertnik-opoznan-v-sanktperetburge.html 3 April 2017閲覧。 
  16. ^ “St Petersburg Metro explosion: police suspect suicide bombing after at least 11 killed by underground blast”. The Telegraph. (3 April 2017). http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/04/03/saintpetersburg-bombing-casualties-explosion-metro-train/ 4 April 2017閲覧。 
  17. ^ Meyjes, Toby. “At least ten dead after huge ‘nail bomb’ explosion on St Petersburg metro”. Metro. Associated Newspapers Ltd. 3 April 2017閲覧。
  18. ^ St Petersburg Metro explosion: CCTV image of suspect emerges after at least 10 killed by 'briefcase' bomb”. Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group (3 April 2017). 3 April 2017閲覧。 “Another 39 injured people remain in hospital following the blast on the Russian city's subway network on Monday afternoon that is reported to have involved a shrapnel-filled device.”
  19. ^ St. Petersburg metro explosion: At least 10 dead in Russia blast”. April 3, 2017閲覧。
  20. ^ a b c d e Взрыв в метро Санкт-Петербурга: онлайн-трансляция”. MK. 4 April 2017閲覧。
  21. ^ “Champion of Russia in hand-to-hand fighting is victim of St. Petersburg terrorist attack” (英語). Crime Russia. https://en.crimerussia.com/gromkie-dela/champion-of-russia-in-hand-to-hand-fighting-is-victim-of-st-petersburg-terrorist-attack/ 5 April 2017閲覧。 
  22. ^ “Mom sacrifices herself to save daughter in Russian subway attack” (英語). New York Post. https://nypost.com/2017/04/04/mom-sacrifices-herself-to-save-daughter-in-russian-subway-attack/ 5 April 2017閲覧。 
  23. ^ a b c “St Petersburg metro bomb victims identified” (英語). BBC. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-39497025 5 April 2017閲覧。 
  24. ^ “Названо имя предполагаемого террориста-смертника в Санкт-Петербурге” (ロシア語). mk.ru. http://www.mk.ru/incident/2017/04/04/predpolagaemyy-terroristsmertnik-opoznan-v-sanktperetburge.html 4 April 2017閲覧。 
  25. ^ “Verdächtiger Kasache ist unter den Opfern” (ドイツ語). n-tv. http://www.n-tv.de/politik/Verdaechtiger-Kasache-ist-unter-den-Opfern-article19778997.html 4 April 2017閲覧。 
  26. ^ “Azerbaijani woman confirmed dead in St. Petersburg metro blast – UPDATED” (英語). apa.az Mail. http://m.apa.az/en/azerbaijani-news/accidents-incidents-news/azerbaijani-dies-in-terror-act-in-st-petersburg.html 4 April 2017閲覧。 
  27. ^ “St. Petersburg Metro blast”. RT. (4 April 2017). https://www.rt.com/news/383206-blast-metro-petersburg-russia/ 4 April 2017閲覧。 
  28. ^ Скворцова уточнила данные о погибших в результате взрыва в Петербурге” [Skvortsova clarifies the data about casualties because of the explosion in Petersburg] (3 April 2017). 3 April 2017閲覧。
  29. ^ a b St. Petersburg metro explosion: 11 dead in Russia blast”. CNN (3 April 2017). 3 April 2017閲覧。 “Thirty-nine people have been hospitalised, six of whom had critical injuries, the health ministry said, putting the number of dead at 11.”
  30. ^ Explosion in St. Petersburg Metro Kills at Least 10”. The New York Times. The New York Times. 3 April 2017閲覧。
  31. ^ Russian investigators confirm Kyrgyz-born Russian citizen was behind St Petersburg subway attack”. Straits Times. SPH Digital News (4 April 2017). 4 April 2017閲覧。 ““The investigation identified the man who set off the bomb in the carriage of the Saint Petersburg metro. It was Akbarjon Djalilov,” a statement by the committee said, adding that Djalilov’s “genetic trace” was also found on a bag with a second bomb that was found at a different station.”
  32. ^ a b Jamieson, Alastair (4 April 2017). “St. Petersburg Subway Bomb Suspect Named as Akbarzhon Jalilov: Reports”. NBC News (Moscow: NBCUniversal). http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/st-petersburg-subway-bomb-suspect-named-akbarzhon-jalilov-reports-n742376 4 April 2017閲覧。 
  33. ^ Walker, Shaun (4 April 2017). “St Petersburg metro bombing suspect 'from Kyrgyzstan'”. The Guardian (Moscow). https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/04/st-petersburg-metro-bombing-suspect-kyrgyzstan-akbarzhon-jalilov-says-security-service 4 April 2017閲覧。 
  34. ^ “Появились новые фото предполагаемого смертника из метро Петербурга”. Газета.Ru. https://www.gazeta.ru/social/news/2017/04/04/n_9879989.shtml 4 April 2017閲覧。 
  35. ^ a b c “St Petersburg Metro explosion: police suspect suicide bombing after at least 11 killed by underground blast”. The Telegraph. (3 April 2017). http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/04/03/saintpetersburg-bombing-casualties-explosion-metro-train/ 4 April 2017閲覧。 
  36. ^ “Terror in St. Petersburg metro bomb: 11 dead, 45 injured”. TGCOM24 (Mediaset). http://www.tgcom24.mediaset.it/mondo/terrore-a-san-pietroburgo-bomba-in-metropolitana-11-morti-e-45-feriti_3065026-201702a.shtml 4 April 2017閲覧。 
  37. ^ “Общественный транспорт Петербурга 4 апреля будет работать в особом режиме [Public transport of St. Petersburg on 4 April will operate in a special mode]” (Russian). Fontanka. (4 April 2017). http://www.fontanka.ru/2017/04/04/005/ 3 April 2017閲覧。 
  38. ^ “В эпицентре взрыва в метро Петербурга нашли тело выходца из Средней Азии [At the epicenter of the explosion in the subway Petersburg found the body of a native of Central Asia]”. RIA Novosti. (4 April 2017). https://ria.ru/incidents/20170404/1491416483.html 4 April 2017閲覧。 
  39. ^ a b “St Petersburg metro explosion leaves 11 dead and dozens wounded”. The Guardian (London). (3 April 2017). https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/03/st-petersburg-metro-rocked-by-explosion-sennaya-ploshchad-station 4 April 2017閲覧。 
  40. ^ Ukraine tightens security in light of St. Pete metro blast”. Interfax Ukraine (3 April 2017). 3 April 2017閲覧。
  41. ^ “【ロシア地下鉄爆発】 安倍首相「テロ断じて許さず。ロシア国民と日本は共にある」”. 産経ニュース. 産業経済新聞社. (2017年4月4日). https://www.sankei.com/article/20170404-733ALHRNJ5IVJBIDBQUN6JJT2E/ 2017年4月4日閲覧。 

