

国際連合安全保障理事会決議2634(こくさいれんごうあんぜんほしょうりじかいけつぎ2634、: United Nations Security Council Resolution 2634, UNSCR2634)は、2022年5月31日国際連合安全保障理事会で採択された決議[1]ギニア湾における海上の保安と海賊との戦闘に言及したもの。

日付: 2022年5月31日
形式: 安全保障理事会決議
会合: 9050回
コード: S/RES/2634
文書: 英語

投票: 賛成: 15 反対: 0 棄権: 0
主な内容: ギニア湾における海上の保安と海賊との戦闘
投票結果: 全会一致で採択

中華人民共和国の旗 中国
フランスの旗 フランス
ロシアの旗 ロシア
イギリスの旗 イギリス
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国
アルバニアの旗 アルバニア
アラブ首長国連邦の旗 アラブ首長国連邦
ブラジルの旗 ブラジル
ガボンの旗 ガボン
ガーナの旗 ガーナ
インドの旗 インド
アイルランドの旗 アイルランド
メキシコの旗 メキシコ








The Security Council,
Recalling its previous resolutions 2018 (2011) and 2039 (2012), and its presidential statement S/PRST/2016/4, on piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea, as well as its presidential statement S/PRST/2021/15 on maritime security,
Expressing its deep concern about the grave and persistent threat that piracy, armed robbery and transnational organized crime at sea in the Gulf of Guinea pose to international navigation, security, and sustainable development of States in the region, including the effect on littoral countries, their hinterland areas and landlocked countries,
Reaffirming that international law, as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) of 10 December 1982, sets out the legal framework within which all activities in the oceans and seas must be carried out, including countering piracy and armed robbery at sea, and the provisions of this resolution apply only with respect to the situation in the Gulf of Guinea,
Recalling the 1988 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation, the 1988 Protocol of the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf, and their 2005 Protocols, which broadly establish the framework for collaboration between States Parties,
Affirming its respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the States of the Gulf of Guinea and their neighbours, and reiterating that States in the region have a leadership role to play in countering the threat and meaningfully addressing the underlying causes of piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea, in close cooperation with the African Union (AU), the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Gulf of Guinea Commission (GGC), other organizations in the region, and their partners,
Emphasizing that regional peace and stability, the strengthening of democracy, State institutions, national capacity-building, addressing underlying causes of piracy and armed robbery at sea, sustainable development, including opportunities for women and youth, respect for human rights, and the rule of law and good governance, are all critical for long-term peace and stability and to create the conditions for a durable eradication of piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea, especially following the multifaceted repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic,
Expressing its concern over the threat that piracy and armed robbery at sea pose to the safety of seafarers, including through their being taken as hostages, as well as over the violence employed by pirates and persons involved in piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea, and over the adverse humanitarian impact on the seafarers and their family members,
Further expressing its concern about the destabilizing and negative impact on West and Central Africa and neighbouring States of transnational organized crime, oil and cargo theft, illicit trafficking and diversion of arms, drug trafficking, human trafficking, illegal trade and smuggling, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, and piracy and armed robbery at sea, and noting the complex relationship between these issues,
Condemning that pirate networks continue to rely on kidnapping and hostagetaking, in the context of weak national capacities, to help generate funding to purchase weapons, gain recruits, and continue their operational activities, thereby jeopardizing the safety and security of seafarers and restricting the flow of commerce,
Expressing serious concern over the cost of piracy to States in the region through economic impacts on trade, investments, development, and growth, noting the study supported by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) on “Pirates of the Gulf of Guinea, a cost analysis for the coastal states” and its findings of significant direct, indirect and opportunity costs to the region, encouraging the region, with the support of partners, to address these findings, their underlying causes, and to strengthen the measures to counter piracy, and in this regard welcoming the interest given to this issue by the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC),
Taking into account relevant regional arrangements, such as the African Charter on Maritime Security, Safety and Development in Africa, the Africa Maritime Transport Charter and the Convention for Cooperation in the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Atlantic Coast of the West, Central and Southern African region,
Welcoming the initiatives already taken by regional organizations, including ECCAS, ECOWAS and GGC, to enhance maritime safety and security in the Gulf of Guinea, in particular the Code of Conduct Concerning the Prevention and Repression of Piracy, Armed Robbery Against Ships, and Illegal Maritime Activities in West and Central Africa (‘Yaoundé Code of Conduct’) and its operational framework, the Interregional Coordination Centre (ICC), the Abidjan Interregional Maritime Security Institute, the Regional Maritime Safety and Security Centres, and the creation of zonal centres under the auspices of the Multinational Maritime Coordination Centres,
Further welcoming existing national initiatives by States in the region to counter piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea, including existing and new National Integrated Maritime Strategies and Nigeria’s Integrated National Security and Waterways Protection Infrastructure (Deep Blue Project), as well as recent piracy convictions and legislation passed aimed at the suppression of piracy and other maritime offences,
Recognizing the contributions by Member States and international organizations in support of ongoing efforts by countries in the region and regional organizations to counter piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea, including through the recently established Gulf of Guinea Maritime Collaboration Forum and its Shared Awareness and Deconfliction (SHADE), the G7++ Friends of the Gulf of Guinea, the European Union Coordinated Maritime Presences in the Gulf of Guinea, the Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic, and the recently established Atlantic Center in the Azores, and welcoming further support and contributions, with a focus on training, joint exercises at sea, operational coordination and capacity-building,
Emphasizing the importance of building further on existing national, regional, and international initiatives to ensure comprehensive, effective, and practical measures to enhance maritime safety and security in the Gulf of Guinea, and in this regard noting the need for international assistance to support national and regional efforts,
Recalling that the signatories to the Yaoundé Code of Conduct have expressed their commitment to arrest, investigate and prosecute persons who have committed acts of piracy, as well as seizing pirate ships, and rescuing ships, persons and property subject to piracy, and encouraging the full and effective implementation of the Code of Conduct with a view to eradicating illegal activities off the coast of West and Central Africa,
Underlining the importance of determining the existence of any possible or potential links between piracy and armed robbery at sea and terrorist groups in West and Central Africa and the Sahel region,
1. Strongly condemns piracy and armed robbery at sea, including acts of murder, kidnapping and hostage-taking, in the Gulf of Guinea;
2. Stresses the primary responsibility of the States of the Gulf of Guinea to counter piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea and address their underlying causes, in close cooperation with regional and subregional organizations and their international partners;
3. Calls upon Member States in the region to criminalize piracy and armed robbery at sea under their domestic laws, and to investigate, and to prosecute or extradite, in accordance with applicable international law, including international human rights law, perpetrators of piracy and armed robbery at sea, as well as those who incite, finance or intentionally facilitate such crimes, including key figures of criminal networks involved in piracy and armed robbery at sea who plan, organize, facilitate, finance or profit from such attacks;
4. Further calls upon Member States to cooperate, as appropriate, on the issues of piracy and armed robbery, in particular on hostage taking, and to cooperate on the prosecution of suspected pirates while respecting fair trial guarantees, including through drafting of agreements, as needed, for the transfer of arrested piracy suspects between states in and outside the region, consistent with applicable international law;
5. Urges Member States in the region of the Gulf of Guinea to take prompt action, at national and regional levels, with the support of the international community, when requested by the State concerned, and in accordance with international law, to develop and implement national maritime security strategies, including for the establishment of a harmonized legal framework for the prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea, as well as prosecution of persons engaging in those crimes, and punishment of those convicted of those crimes, and encourages the States of the Gulf of Guinea to structure their operations to address illicit maritime activities and develop their capacities to protect their maritime domains, and to ensure cooperation in this regard;
6. Encourages bilateral and multilateral partners to provide, where possible, adequate legal and operational support, upon request, taking into account national needs, in terms of personnel, funds, technology, training and equipment to States and regional organizations in the Gulf of Guinea, and continue to assist in enhancing their capabilities to cooperate and coordinate their efforts to counter piracy and armed robbery at sea in the region, including with regard to the conduct of patrols, law enforcement at sea, anti-piracy drills, land, maritime and air surveillance, and other operations in accordance with international law;
7. Further encourages regional organizations, including the AU, ECCAS, ECOWAS, GGC, the Maritime Organization for West and Central Africa, the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea, as well as the Maritime Domain Awareness for Trade – Gulf of Guinea mechanism, to enhance subregional, regional and international cooperation on maritime safety and security in the Gulf of Guinea and to further operationalize the Yaoundé architecture;
8. Stresses the need for a comprehensive response to prevent and suppress piracy and sustainably tackle its underlying causes by the international community, in collaboration with the States of the Gulf of Guinea, regional organizations and other relevant actors, and encourages Member States to continue to cooperate with the national authorities of the States of the Gulf of Guinea in the fight against piracy and armed robbery at sea, without impeding the exercise of high seas freedoms or other navigational rights and freedoms by ships of any State, consistent with international law, as reflected in UNCLOS;
9. Urges Member States and relevant international organizations to assist States in the region, as well as regional and sub-regional organizations, in ensuring that necessary measures are taken to prevent the revenues generated by piracy and armed robbery at sea from contributing to the financing of terrorism in West and Central Africa and the Sahel;
10. Highlights the importance of enhanced coordination among Member States and international, regional and subregional organizations, such as ECOWAS and ECCAS, in order to deter acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea, commends the work of the ICC to facilitate such coordination in cooperation with the UNODC, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), flag states, and the States in the region, and urges the full participation of the coastal States of the Gulf of Guinea in all planning and coordination efforts at regional and international levels, as well as continued support to these efforts;
11. Acknowledges the recommendations and guidance provided by the UNODC, including through its Global Maritime Crime Programme, and IMO on preventing and suppressing piracy and armed robbery at sea, and urges States, in collaboration with the shipping and insurance industries and IMO, to continue to develop and implement avoidance, evasion, and defensive best practices and advisories to take when under attack or when sailing in the Gulf of Guinea, as well as to take all relevant investigative measures immediately following an act or an attempted act of piracy or armed robbery at sea;
12. Urges all States to share information with INTERPOL for use in the global piracy database through regional information sharing arrangements, such as the ICC, and other appropriate channels;
13. Calls upon UNODC, in close cooperation with other UN entities and in consultation with IMO, as well as INTERPOL, to continue to provide advice and, subject to the availability of extrabudgetary resources, the delivery of integrated and technical assistance that will improve the capacity of Member States, upon their request, to implement this resolution, including by continuing ongoing support for the drafting of regional handover agreements for apprehended piracy suspects;
14. Encourages the PBC to continue to support, upon request and within its mandate, efforts by States of the Gulf of Guinea and regional and subregional organizations to consolidate peace in and around the Gulf of Guinea;
15. Requests the Secretary-General, through the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) and the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA), consistent with their mandates and with the assistance of relevant UN agencies, as appropriate, to continue to report and to support States and subregional organizations in their efforts to combat piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea, including with respect to mobilizing resources following the adoption of the Yaoundé Code of Conduct to assist in building national and regional capacities in close consultation with States and regional and international organizations;
16. Further requests the Secretary-General to report, within five (5) months and on an exceptional basis in advance of the 10-year anniversary of the Yaoundé Code of Conduct, on the situation of piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea and its underlying causes, including any possible and potential linkages with terrorism in West and Central Africa and the Sahel, on the United Nations’ support and contributions, and on any recommendations for further supporting and enhancing national efforts and regional and international cooperation towards combatting piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea;
17. Decides to remain seized of the matter.


ギニア湾の国家及びその近隣諸国の主権及び領土保全を尊重することを確認し、並びにこの地域の国がアフリカ連合(AU)、中央アフリカ諸国経済共同体(ECCAS)、西アフリカ諸国経済共同体(ECOWAS)、ギニア湾委員会(Gulf of Guinea Commission、GGC)、その他のこの地域の機関及びそのパートナーと緊密な協力を行いながら、脅威に対抗し及びギニア湾における海賊行為及び武装強盗の根本的な原因に有意義に対処する上で指導的役割を果たすことを改めて表明し、
2. 地域的及び小地域的な機関並びにこれらの機関の国際的なパートナーと緊密に協力しつつ、ギニア湾の海上における海賊行為及び武装強盗に対処し並びにこれらの根本的な原因に対処するギニア湾国家の主要な責任を強調する。
3. 当該地域の加盟国に対し、海賊行為及び海上武装強盗を国内法の下で犯罪化し、国際人権法を含む適用可能な国際法に従って、海賊及び海上武装強盗の加害者を捜査し、また、海賊及び海上武装強盗に関与する犯罪ネットワークの主要人物で一連の攻撃を計画、組織、促進、資金調達又は利益を得た者を含む一連の犯罪を扇動、団体への融資、ないし故意に助長する者を起訴又は送還するよう呼びかける。
4. 更に、加盟国に対し、海賊および武装強盗の問題、特に人質拘束の問題について適宜協力し、また、逮捕された海賊の容疑者の地域内外の国家間の移送のための協定を必要に応じて作成するなどして、公正な裁判の保障を尊重しつつ、海賊容疑者の訴追に関して協力し、適用される国際法に合致するよう呼びかける。
6. 二国間及び多数国間のパートナーに対し、可能でかつ要請があれば、国内の求めるところを考慮して、ギニア湾における国及び地域的機関に対し、人員・資金・技術・訓練及び設備の観点から、十分な法的及び利用可能な支援を提供すること、またこの地域における海賊行為及び海上における武装強盗に対処するための、パトロール、海上における法執行、海賊対処訓練、陸上、海上及び航空の監視その他国際法に基づく活動の実施に関するものを含むこれらの参加主体の努力を、協力し及び調整するためのこれらの参加主体の能力の向上を引き続き支援することを奨励する。
7. さらに、AU、ECCAS、ECOWAS、GGC、西・中央アフリカ海事機関、西・中央ギニア湾漁業委員会、及びギニア湾の貿易のための海洋領域認識メカニズムを含む地域的機関に対し、ギニア湾における海上の安全及び安全保障に関する小地域的、地域的及び国際的な協力を強化し、並びにヤウンデ行動規範の運用を促進するよう奨励する。
8. 海賊行為を防止し機関及び他の関係主体と協力して、海賊行為を防止・抑圧し並びに海賊行為の根本的な原因に持続可能な方法で対処するための国際社会による包括的な対応の必要性を強調し、並びに加盟国に対し、UNCLOSに示されている国際法に適合するいずれかの国の船舶による公海の自由その他の航行の権利及び自由の行使を妨げることなく、海賊行為及び海上における武装強盗との闘いにおいてギニア湾国の当局と引き続き協力することを奨励する。
9. 加盟国及び関連する国際機関に対し、海賊行為及び海上における武装強盗により生ずる(海賊団体の)収入が西・中央アフリカ及びサヘル地域におけるテロ資金供与に寄与することを防止するために必要な措置がとられることを確保するに当たり、地域の国並びに地域的及び準地域的機関を援助するよう促す。
10. ギニア湾の海上における海賊行為及び武装強盗を抑止するため、加盟国並びにECOWAS及びECCASのような国際的、地域的及び小地域的機関の間の調整を強化することの重要性を強調し、UNODC、国際海事機関(IMO)、旗国及びこの地域の国と協力して調整を促進するためのICCの活動を称賛し、地域的及び国際的な段階におけるすべての計画及び連携の努力にギニア湾の沿岸国が完全に参加すること並びにこれらの努力に対する継続的な支援を要請する。
11. 世界海上犯罪計画を含む、海賊行為及び海上における武装強盗を防止し及び抑止することについてUNODC及びIMOが提供する勧告及び指針を確認し、各国に対し、海運業界及び保険業界並びにIMOと協力して、ギニア湾において攻撃を受けた場合又は航行した場合にとるべき回避・防衛のための最良の慣行及び助言を引き続き敷衍・実施すること並びに海賊行為又は海上における武装強盗の行為又はその未遂の直後に関連するいかなる捜査措置をもとることを要請する。
12. すべての国に対し、ICCのような地域的な情報共有に関する取決め及び他の適当な経路を通じて、世界的な海賊行為のデータベースにおいて使用するための情報を国際刑事警察機構(インターポール、INTERPOL)と共有するよう要請する。
13. UNODC に対し、他の国連機関と緊密に協力し、IMO及びINTERPOLと協議の上、引き続き助言を提供し、枠外予算の利用可能な範囲で、加盟国の要請に応じて、逮捕された海賊容疑者の地域引渡し協定の起草に対する継続的支援を含む、本決議を実施する能力を向上するための統合及び技術支援を提供するよう要請する。
14. PBCに対し、要請があれば、その権限の範囲内で、ギニア湾及びその周辺の平和を強化するためのギニア湾国並びに地域的及び小地域的機関による努力を引き続き支援することを奨励する。
15. 事務総長に対し、国連西アフリカ・サヘル事務所(UNOWAS)及び国連中央アフリカ地域事務所(UNOCA)を通じ、その職務権限に合致し、かつ適宜関連国連機関の支援を受け、ギニア湾における海賊及び海上武装強盗と戦うための国家及び小地域機関の努力について、ヤウンデ行動規範の採択後の資源の動員に関して、国家・周辺地域及び国際機関との緊密な協議による国及び地域の能力構築を支援することなど、引き続き報告及び支援を行うよう要請する。
16. さらに事務総長に対し、5か月以内に、ヤウンデ行動規範(の樹立)10周年に先立ち、例外的に、ギニア湾における海賊行為及び海上武装強盗の状況並びに西アフリカ、中央アフリカ及びサヘル地域におけるテロリズムとの潜在的な及び潜在的なつながりを含む、その根底にある原因、さらに国際連合の支援及び貢献並びにギニア湾における海賊行為及び海上武装強盗に対処するための国内の努力並びに地域的及び国際的な協力を一層支援し及び強化するための勧告について報告するよう要請する。
17. 問題を引き続き処理していくことを決定する。


  1. ^ a b ODS HOME PAGE”. documents-dds-ny.un.org. 2022年8月14日閲覧。
  2. ^ IMO calls for further action to address Gulf of Guinea piracy”. imopublicsite.azurewebsites.net. 2022年8月14日閲覧。
  3. ^ ギニア湾における海賊問題の現状と取組”. 外務省. 2022年8月15日閲覧。

