元のファイル (2,885 × 2,159 ピクセル、ファイルサイズ: 2.63メガバイト、MIME タイプ: image/jpeg)


解説 Omprofilering av Statoil-stasjonen på Storo til Cirkle-K
日付 2016年6月22日 (Exifデータによる)
原典 投稿者自身による著作物
作者 Tommy Gildseth


表示 継承
このファイルはクリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示-継承 4.0 国際ライセンスのもとに利用を許諾されています。
帰属: Tommy Gildseth
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  • 再構成 – 二次的著作物を作成できます。
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This photo was taken by Tommy Gildseth.

Please credit this photo Tommy Gildseth in the immediate vicinity of the image.
Also note the infobox above for possible further requirements

If you are using the picture outside wikimedia system, it's wanted (but not required) that you let me know by e-mail: gildseth [@] gmail.com, or tell me on my user talk.

You can use the following page to help you in generating a valid photo credit: lizenzhinweisgenerator.de

!!Important!!, Please read By taking advantage of the license of this image, you can use it free of charge for both non-comercial and comercial use. This however requires that you comply with the requirements of the license. Complying with the license is very simple but also very important. The main thing is to ensure the photograph is credited correctly in the vicinity of where the image is used.

Failure to comply with this requirement means you can no longer use the image free of charge under the Creative Commons license and your use of the image is unlawful. I obviously do not contribute images to Wikimedia Commons to get rich, but I will pursue instances of use without proper attribution. Currently, the going normal fee for a one time use of an image in Norway in 2019 is Kr2687,-. If the image is used without permission, that fee is doubled. Additionally if the image is used without attribution, the fee is trippled to Kr8061,-. If the image has been used multiple times, you have to pay for each and every use according to the same fee structure.

So, to save yourself needlessly having to pay money for an image you could have used for free and to save me the hassle of having to generate a bill, sending it to the appropriate person, following up on the bill and extra hassle on my end of year tax reports, please ensure you include the correct attribution when using the image.

このファイルはモバイルAndroid アプリケーション(モバイル版コモンズアプリケーション)第1.15版から投稿されたものです。





22 6 2016


4.67 ミリメートル



現在の版2016年6月22日 (水) 16:202016年6月22日 (水) 16:20時点における版のサムネイル2,885 × 2,159 (2.63メガバイト)TommyGCropped 28 % horizontally and 28 % vertically using CropTool with lossless mode.
2016年6月22日 (水) 10:592016年6月22日 (水) 10:59時点における版のサムネイル4,000 × 2,992 (4.6メガバイト)TommyGUploaded using Android Commons app



