Беларуская: Фатаграфія венерыянскай паверхні Венера-9
English: Photography of Venusian surface by Venera 9.
Русский: Фотосъемка поверхности Венеры Венера-9
Sardu: Sa fotografia est fata cun sa camera de su lander Venera 9. Sa camera no si fiat oberta beni po mori de sa pressioni me in sa superfitzi de Vènere. Est su propiu sa prima foto fata a pitzu de sa superfitzi de un'atru praneta.
Українська: Фотозйомка венеріанської поверхні Венера-9
This image or video was shot in the Russian Federation by an automatic camera. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (Part 80 of Session Resolution No. 10 of April 23, 2019 on Application of Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) postulates that such works are made by a technical tool without creative human activity and they are not the subject of copyright. In particular, the mentioned Session Resolution applies to any photowork or videowork made by automatic camera for administrative violation record.
背景情報についてはアメリカ合衆国以外の国と地域で公表された著作物の著作権についてをご覧ください。 per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Luna 3 moon.jpg discussion: Soviet Union was not party to the Berne Convention in 1975 at first publication (Russia first joined 1995-03-13), and U.S. Code § 104(b)(2) says US copyright only applies to works published "in a foreign nation that, on the date of first publication, is a treaty party".
Photo of Venus surface taken by the Venus 9 lander on 22 October, 1975
Fotografia fata dae su lander Venera 9 in sa superfitzi de Vènere in su 22 de mesi de ladàminis 1975
Фотография поверхности Венеры, сделанная спускаемым аппаратом Венера-9 22 октября 1975 г.