バートン・ワトソン(英: Burton Watson; 1925年6月13日 - 2017年4月1日)は、アメリカ合衆国の東洋文学者。
人物情報 | |
生誕 |
1925年6月13日![]() |
死没 | 2017年4月1日 (91歳没) |
出身校 | コロンビア大学 |
学問 | |
研究分野 | 東洋学(中国語学・中国文学) |
編集- Ssu-ma Cheien, grand historian of China Columbia University Press, 1958
- Records of the grand historian of China. Translated from the Shih chi of Ssu-ma Ch'ie(司馬遷 史記) Columbia University Press, 1961
- Cold mountain; 100 poems by the T'ang poet Han-shan.(寒山) Grove Press, 1962
- Mo Tzu; basic writings. (墨子) Columbia University Press, 1963
- An introduction to Sung poetry. (宋詩入門) Harvard University Press, 1967
- Japanese Literature in Chinese (日本漢文学) Columbia University Press, 1975-1976
- Ryokan, Zen monk-poet of Japan / 良寛 Columbia University Press, c1977
- Meng ch'iu : ;famous episodes from Chinese history and legend. 李瀚・徐子光「蒙求」講談社インターナショナル 1979
- From the country of eight islands : an anthology of Japanese poetry / edited and translated by Hiroaki Sato and Burton Watson ; and with an introd. by Thomas Rimer ; Anchor Books, 1981
- Glass children and other essays.池田大作「鏡の子供たち」講談社インターナショナル 1983
- Grass hill : poems and prose by the Japanese monk Gensei / 元政「草山集」 Columbia University Press, 1983
- 『紀行わが心の中国へ』大島康正訳、潮出版社 1985
- The flower of Chinese Buddhism 池田大作『中国仏教の花』 Weatherhill, 1986
- The Tso chuan : selections from China's oldest narrative history /(左伝) Columbia University Press, c1989
- Kanshi : the poetry of Ishikawa Jozan and other Edo-period poets / 石川丈山その他「漢詩」 North Point Press, 1990
- The Rainbow World : Japan in Essays and Translations / Broken Moon Press, c1990
- Saigyo, poems of a mountain home /(西行『山家集』 Columbia University Press, c1991
- The Zen teachings of Master Lin-chi : a translation of the Lin-chi lu (臨済) Shambhala Publications, 1993
- The Lotus Sutra /(法華経) Columbia University Press, c1993
- Records of the grand historian. Han dynasty 司馬遷 translated by Burton Watson Rev. ed Renditions-Columbia University Press, c1993
- The Wild Goose / Mori Ogai ; 森鷗外「雁」 Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 1995
- Letters of Nichiren (日蓮書簡集)/ translated by Burton Watson and others ; edited by Philip B. Yampolsky Columbia University Press, c1996
- Basic writings / Chuang Tzu ;(荘子) Columbia University Press, c1996
- Masaoka Shiki : selected poems /(正岡子規歌句集) Columbia University Press, c1997
- Han Feizi : basic writings /(韓非子) Columbia University Press, c2003
- Mozi : basic writings /(墨子) Columbia University Press, c2003
- 『墨子 ワトソン博士の中国古典教室』美山弘樹訳 七草書房 2015
- Xunzi : basic writings /(荀子) Columbia University Press, c2003
- For all my walking : free-verse haiku of Taneda Santoka with excerpts from his diaries(種田山頭火句集) Columbia University Press, c2003
- The record of the orally transmitted teachings 創価学会 c2004
- The tales of the Heike(平家物語) edited, with an introduction, by Haruo Shirane Columbia University Press, c2006
- The demon at Agi Bridge and other Japanese tales /近江国安義(あき)の橋の鬼「今昔物語集」 Columbia University Press, c2011
- Record of miraculous events in Japan : the Nihon ryoiki(日本霊異記) introduction by Haruo Shirane. Columbia University Press, [2013] <KG89-B6>
- China at last : thirty-some years of study and a three-week visit. Seven Grasses Publishing House, 2013.9 <GE351-B
- 『チャイナ・アト・ラースト 三〇余年の中国研究と1983年の初旅』山口弘務訳 七草書房 2012