シェンカー理論(シェンカーりろん、英: Schenkerian analysis)は、オーストリアの音楽学者ハインリヒ・シェンカーが提唱した音楽理論。
編集- Harmonielehre(『和声法』)
- Kontrapunkt 1,2(『対位法』)
- Der freie Satz(『自由作曲法』)
編集- Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie(『ベートーヴェン第9交響曲』)
- Beethovens Funfte Sinfonie(『ベートーヴェン第5交響曲の分析』:日本語訳)
編集- Ein Beitrag zur Ornamentik als Einfuhrung zu Ph.E.Bachs Klavierwerke(『古典ピアノ装飾音奏法』:日本語訳)
- Die letzten funf Sonaten von Beethoven,Erlauterungsausgabe(『ベートーヴェン最後の5つのピアノソナタ、注解版』)
編集基本線(Urlinie)の訳語には、他に 「原旋律」(芦津丈夫訳)、 「根元線」(吉田秀和訳)があるが、ここでは日本語訳書『ベートーヴェン第5交響曲の分析』がある野口剛夫訳に準じた。これは、旋律の細かい音や装飾的な部分などを取り除いて単純化し、音楽の最も基本的な動き・骨格を把握するものである。シェンカーはこれをもとに「基本線表」と称する独自の楽譜を使用して楽曲を分析した。シェンカーは、基本線の追究に生涯をかけてとりくみ、『自由作曲法』で最終的な形を示すに至った。ロマン・ロランは「これを見出したことがベートーヴェンの文献学上、ハインリヒ・シェンカーの最大の功績だった」 と述べている。
編集- 1904 Ein Beitrag zur Ornamentik.
- 1976 Transl. by H. Siegel, Music Forum 4, pp. 1–139.
- 1979 Japanese translation by A. Noro and A. Tamemoto.
- 1906 Harmonielehre.
- 1954 Harmony, transl. by Elisabeth Mann Borgese, edited and annotated by Oswald Jonas.
- 1990 Spanish transl. by R. Barce.
- 1910 Kontrapunkt I.
- 1987 Counterpoint I, transl. by J. Rothgeb et J. Thym.
- 1912 Beethovens neunte Sinfonie, 1912
- 1992 Beethoven's Ninth Symphony: a Portrayal of its Musical Content, with Running Commentary on Performance and Literature as well, transl. by J. Rothgeb, 1992.
- 2010 Japanese transl. by H. Nishida and T. Numaguchi. ISBN 978-4276130289
- 1913 Beethoven, Sonate E dur op. 109 (Erläuterungsausgabe).
- 2012 Japanese transl. by M. Yamada, H. Nishida and T. Numaguchi. ISBN 978-4276130296
- 1914 Beethoven, Sonate As dur op. 110 (Erläuterungsausgabe).
- 2013 Japanese transl. by M. Yamada, H. Nishida and T. Numaguchi. ISBN 978-4276130388
- 1921–1924 Der Tonwille (10 vols.)
- 2004–2005 Der Tonwille, transl. under the direction of William Drabkin.
- 1922 Kontrapunkt II.
- 1987 Counterpoint II, transl. by J. Rothgeb et J. Thym.
- 1922 "Haydn: Sonate Es-Dur", Der Tonwille III, pp. 3–21.
- 1988 Transl. by W. Petty, Theoria 3, pp. 105–160.
- 1923 "J. S. Bach: Zwölf kleine Präludien Nr. 2 [BWV 939]", Der Tonwille IV, 1923, p. 7.
- 2007 French transl. by N. Meeùs.
- 1923 "J. S. Bach: Zwölf kleine Präludien Nr. 5 [BWV 926]", Der Tonwille V, pp. 8–9.
- 2006 French transl. by N. Meeùs.
- 1924 "Mendelssohn: Venetianisches Gondellied, op. 30, Nr. 6", Der Tonwille X, pp. 25–29.
- 2011 French transl. by N. Meeùs.
- 1924 "Schumann: Kinderszenen Nr. 1, Von fremden Ländern und Menschen", Der Tonwille X, pp. 34–35.
- 2011 French transl. by N. Meeùs.
- 1924 "Schumann: Kinderszenen op. 15, Nr. 9, Träumerei", Der Tonwille X, pp. 36–39.
- [2011] French transl. by N. Meeùs.
- 1925 Beethovens V. Sinfonie. Darstellung des musikalischen Inhaltes nach der Handschrift unter fortlaufender Berücksichtigung des Vortrages und der Literatur, Vienne, Tonwille Verlag et Universal Edition. Reprint 1970.
- 1971 Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony N. 5 in C minor, partial transl. by E. Forbes and F. J. Adams jr., New York, Norton, 1971 (Norton Critical Score 9), pp. 164–182.
- 2000 Japanese transl. by T. Noguchi.
- 1925–1930 Das Meisterwerk in der Musik, 3 vols.
- 1998 transl. under the direction of William Drabkin.
- 1925 "Die Kunst der Improvisation", Das Meisterwerk in der Musik I, pp. 9–40.
- 1973 Transl. by S. Kalib, "Thirteen Essays from the Three Yearbooks Das Meisterwerk in der Musik: An Annotated Translation," PhD diss., Northwestern University.
- 1925 "Weg mit dem Phrasierungsbogen", Das Meisterwerk in der Musik I, pp. 41–60.
- 1973 Transl. by S. Kalib, "Thirteen Essays from the Three Yearbooks Das Meisterwerk in der Musik: An Annotated Translation," PhD diss., Northwestern University.
- 1925 "Joh. S. Bach: Sechs Sonaten für Violine. Sonata III, Largo", Das Meisterwerk in der Musik I, pp. 61–73.
- 1973 Transl. by S. Kalib, "Thirteen Essays from the Three Yearbooks Das Meisterwerk in der Musik: An Annotated Translation," PhD diss., Northwestern University.
- 1976 Transl. by J. Rothgeb, The Music Forum 4, p. 141-159.
- 1925 "Joh. S. Bach: Zwölf kleine Präludien, Nr. 6 [BWV 940]", Das Meisterwerk in der Musik I, pp. 99–105.
- 2010 French transl. by N. Meeùs.
- 1925 "Joh. S. Bach: Zwölf kleine Präludien, Nr. 12 [BWV 942]", Das Meisterwerk in der Musik I, 1925, pp. 115–123.
- 2006 French transl. by N. Meeùs.
- 1925 "Domenico Scarlatti: Keyboard Sonata in D minor, [L.413]", Das Meisterwerk in der Music I, pp. 125–135.
- 1986 Transl. by J. Bent, Music Analysis 5/2-3, pp. 153–164.
- 1925 "Domenico Scarlatti: Keyboard Sonata in G major, [L.486]", Das Meisterwerk in der Music I, pp. 137–144.
- 1986 Transl. by J. Bent, Music Analysis 5/2-3, pp. 171–179.
- 1925 "Chopin: Etude Ges-Dur op. 10, Nr. 5", Das Meisterwerk in der Musik I, p. 161-173.
- 1973 Transl. by S. Kalib, "Thirteen Essays from the Three Yearbooks Das Meisterwerk in der Musik: An Annotated Translation," PhD diss., Northwestern University.
- 1925 "Erläuterungen", Das Meisterwerk in der Music I, pp. 201–205. (Also published in Der Tonwille 9 and 10 and in Das Meisterwerk in der Musik II.)
- 1973 Transl. by S. Kalib, "Thirteen Essays from the Three Yearbooks Das Meisterwerk in der Musik: An Annotated Translation," PhD diss., Northwestern University.
- 1986 Transl. by J. Bent, Music Analysis 5/2-3, pp. 187–191.
- 2011 French transl. by N. Meeùs.
- 1926 "Fortsetzung der Urlinie-Betrachtungen", Das Meisterwerk in der Musik II, pp. 9–42.
- 1973 Transl. by S. Kalib, "Thirteen Essays from the Three Yearbooks Das Meisterwerk in der Musik: An Annotated Translation," PhD diss., Northwestern University.
- 1926 "Vom Organischen der Sonatenform", Das Meisterwerk in der Musik II, pp. 43–54.
- 1968 Transl. by O. Grossman, Journal of Music Theory 12, pp. 164–183, reproduced in Readings in Schenker Analysis and Other Approaches, M. Yeston ed., New Haven, 1977, pp. 38–53.
- 1973 Transl. by S. Kalib, "Thirteen Essays from the Three Yearbooks Das Meisterwerk in der Musik: An Annotated Translation," PhD diss., Northwestern University.
- 1926 "Das Organische der Fuge, aufgezeigt an der I. C-Moll-Fuge aus dem Wohltemperierten Klavier von Joh. Seb. Bach", Das Meisterwerk in der Musik II, p. 55-95
- 1973 Transl. by S. Kalib, "Thirteen Essays from the Three Yearbooks Das Meisterwerk in der Musik: An Annotated Translation," PhD diss., Northwestern University.
- 1926 "Joh. Seb. Bach: Suite III C-Dur für Violoncello-Solo, Sarabande", Das Meisterwerk in der Musik II, 1926, pp. 97–104.
- 1970 Transl. by H. Siegel, The Music Forum 2, pp. 274–282.
- "Mozart: Sinfonie G-Moll", Das Meisterwerk in der Musik II, pp. 105–157.
- 1973 Transl. by S. Kalib, "Thirteen Essays from the Three Yearbooks Das Meisterwerk in der Musik: An Annotated Translation," PhD diss., Northwestern University.
- "Haydn: Die Schöpfung. Die Vorstellung des Chaos", Das Meisterwerk in der Musik II, pp. 159–170.
- 1973 Transl. by S. Kalib, "Thirteen Essays from the Three Yearbooks Das Meisterwerk in der Musik: An Annotated Translation," PhD diss., Northwestern University.
- "Ein Gegenbeispiel: Max Reger, op. 81. Variationen unf Fuge über ein Thema von Joh. Seb. Bach für Klavier", Das Meisterwerk in der Musik II, pp. 171–192.
- 1973 Transl. by S. Kalib, "Thirteen Essays from the Three Yearbooks Das Meisterwerk in der Musik: An Annotated Translation," PhD diss., Northwestern University.
- 1930 "Rameau oder Beethoven? Erstarrung oder geistiges Leben in der Musik?", Das Meisterwerk in der Musik III, pp. 9–24.
- 1973 Transl. by S. Kalib, "Thirteen Essays from the Three Yearbooks Das Meisterwerk in der Musik: An Annotated Translation," PhD diss., Northwestern University.
- 1932 Fünf Urlinie-Tafeln.
- 1933 Five Analyses in Sketch Form, New York, D. Mannes Music School.
- 1969 New version with a glossary by F. Salzer: Five Graphic Music Analyses, New York, Dover.
- 1935/1956 Der freie Satz, 2d edition
- 1979 Free Composition, transl. by E. Oster, 1979.
- 1993 L'Écriture libre, French transl. by N. Meeùs, Liège-Bruxelles, Mardaga.
- 1997 Chinese translation by Chen Shi-Ben, Beijing, People's Music Publications.
- 2004 Russian transl. by B. Plotnikov, Krasnoyarsk Academy of Music and Theatre.
編集- Oswald Jonas, Das Wesen des musikalischen Kunstwerks, Wien, Universal, 1934; revised edition, Einführung in die Lehre Heinrich Schenkers. Das Wesen des musikalischen Kunstwerkes, Wien, Universal, 1972. English translation of the revised edition, Introduction to the Theory of *Heinrich Schenker: The Nature of the Musical Work of Art, transl. J. Rothgeb, New York and London, Longman, 1982.
- Felix Salzer, Structural Hearing: Tonal Coherence in Music, New York, Charles Boni, 1952.
- Allen Forte and Steven E. Gilbert, Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis, 1982.
- Allen Cadwallader and David Gagné, Analysis of Tonal Music. A Schenkerian Approach, New York, Oxford University Press, 3d edition, 2011 (1st edition, 1998).
- Edward Aldwell and Carl Schachter, Harmony and Voice Leading, Boston, Schirmer, Cengage Learning, 4th edition (with Allen Cadwallader), 2011 (1st edition, 2003).
- Tom Pankhurst, Schenkerguide. A Brief Handbook and Website for Schenkerian Analysis, New York and London, Routledge, 2008 Schenkerguide website.
- William Renwick and David Walker, Schenkerian Analysis Glossary.
- Larry J. Solomon, A Schenkerian Primer.
- Nicolas Meeùs, Análise schenkeriana, Portuguese (Brasil) translation from the French by L. Beduschi, 2008.
- Luciane Beduschi and Nicolas Meeùs, Analyse schenkérienne (in French), 2013; several earlier versions archived on the same page. Albanian translation by Sokol Shupo, available on the same webpage.
編集- Beach, David, ed. (1983). Aspects of Schenkerian Theory. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300028003
- Berry, David Carson (2004). A Topical Guide to Schenkerian Literature: An Annotated Bibliography with Indices. Hillsdale, NY: Pendragon Press; ISBN 9781576470954. A thorough documentation of Schenker-related research and analysis. The largest Schenkerian reference work ever published, it has 3600 entries (2200 principal, 1400 secondary) representing the work of 1475 authors. It is organized topically: fifteen broad groupings encompass seventy topical headings, many of which are divided and subdivided again, resulting in a total of 271 headings under which entries are collected.
- Eybl, Martin and Fink-Mennel, Evelyn, eds. (2006). Schenkerian traditions. A Viennese school of music theory and its international dissemination. Vienna, Cologne, Weimar: Böhlau. ISBN 3-205-77494-9.
- Jonas, Oswald (1982). Introduction to the theory of Heinrich Schenker: the nature of the musical work of art. ISBN 9780967809939, translated by John Rothgeb. New York and London: Longman. "Most complete discussion of Schenker's theories." (Beach 1983)
- Blasius, Leslie D. (1996). Schenker's Argument and the Claims of Music Theory, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-55085-8.
- Brown, Matthew (2005). Explaining Tonality: Schenkerian Theory and Beyond. University of Rochester Press. ISBN 1-58046-160-3.
- Cook, Nicholas (2007). The Schenker Project: Culture, Race, and Music Theory in Fin-de-siècle Vienna. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-974429-7.
- Essays on the dissemination of Schenkerian thought in the U.S. by David Carson Berry:
- "The Role of Adele T. Katz in the Early Expansion of the New York 'Schenker School'". Current Musicology. 74: 103–51. 2002.
- Berry, David Carson (2003). "Hans Weisse and the Dawn of American Schenkerism". Journal of Musicology. 20 (1): 104–56. doi:10.1525/jm.2003.20.1.104.
- "Victor Vaughn Lytle and the Early Proselytism of Schenkerian Ideas in the U.S". Journal of Schenkerian Studies. 1: 92–117. 2005.
- "Schenkerian Theory in the United States: A Review of Its Establishment and a Survey of Current Research Topics". Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie. 2 (2–3): 101–37. 2005.
- Eybl, Martin; Fink-Mennel, Evelyn, eds. (2006). "Hans Weisse (1892–1940)". Schenker-Traditionen: Eine Wiener Schule der Musiktheorie und ihre internationale Verbreitung [Schenker Traditions: A Viennese School of Music Theory and Its International Dissemination]. Vienna: Böhlau Verlag. pp. 91–103. ISBN 978-3-205-77494-5.
- Katz, A. T. (1935). "Heinrich Schenker's Method of Analysis". The Musical Quarterly. 21 (3): 311–329. doi:10.1093/mq/XXI.3.311. JSTOR 739052.
- Katz, Adele T. (1945). Challenge to Musical Tradition. A New Concept of Tonality, New York, Alfred A. Knopf. ISBN 9781174860447 (2011 reprint)
- Forte, A. (1959). "Schenker's Conception of Musical Structure". Journal of Music Theory. 3 (1): 1–30. doi:10.2307/842996. JSTOR 842996.
- Forte, Allen and Gilbert, Steven E. (1982). Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 0-393-95192-8. Schenker never presented a pedagogical presentation of his theories, this being the first according to its authors.
- Snarrenberg, Robert (1997). "Schenker's Interpretive Practice." Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-49726-4.
- Cadwallader, Allen and Gagné, David (1998). Analysis of Tonal Music: A Schenkerian Approach, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-510232-0. The second major English-language textbook on Schenkerian analysis"
- Kalib, Sylvan (1973). Thirteen Essays from The Three Yearbooks “Das Meisterwerk in Der Musik,” by Heinrich Schenker: An Annotated Translation. (Vol.’s I–III). Ph.D. diss., Northwestern University.
- Westergaard, Peter (1975). An Introduction to Tonal Theory. New York: W.W. Norton. ISBN 9780393093421
- Aldwell, Edward, and Schachter, Carl (2003). Harmony and Voice Leading. Schirmer. 2d ed. 2008; 3d ed. (with Allen Cadwallader), 2011. ISBN 0-495-18975-8.
- Pankhurst, Tom (2008), SchenkerGUIDE: A Brief Handbook and Web Site for Schenkerian Analysis, New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-97398-8 – an introduction for those completely new to the subject.
- Salzer, Felix (1952). Structural Hearing: Tonal Coherence in Music. New York: Charles Boni. "The first book to present a reorganization (as well as modification and expansion) of Schenker's writings from a pedagogical standpoint." Beach (1983)
- Westergaard, Peter (1975). An Introduction to Tonal Theory. New York: W.W. Norton.
- Yeston, Maury, ed. (1977). Readings in Schenker Analysis and Other Approaches. New Haven: Yale University Press.
- Beach, David, ed. (1983). Aspects of Schenkerian Theory. New Haven: Yale University Press.
- Epstein, David (1979). Beyond Orpheus – Studies in Musical Structure. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
- Travis, R. (1959). "Towards a New Concept of Tonality?". Journal of Music Theory. 3 (2): 257–284. doi:10.2307/842853. JSTOR 842853.
- Travis, R. (1966). "Directed Motion in Schoenberg and Webern". Perspectives of New Music. 4 (2): 85–89. doi:10.2307/832217. JSTOR 832217.
- Komar, Arthur (1971/1980). Theory of Suspensions: A Study of Metrical Pitch Relations in Tonal Music. Princeton: Princeton University Press/Austin, Texas: Peer Publications. (Beach 1983)
- Yeston, Maury (1976). The Stratification of Musical Rhythm. New Haven: Yale University Press. (Beach 1983)
- Narmour, Eugene (1977). Beyond Schenkerism: The Need for Alternatives in Music Analysis. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.